Hearing the words “You have cancer” is a devastating blow. It affects you mentally as well as physically - inadvertently breaking down an already weak immune system even further. Our mission at The Pink Planter #PlantsForTheCure is to keep the focus on LIFE with the introduction of plants to help ease anxiety. Our goals are to:
Our amazing team of full and part-time volunteers are committed to our “Pink Planter” mission. We hand select and train our volunteers to have empathy and understanding towards our breast cancer survivors and their families. All of our volunteers who deliver pots are interviewed as well as back ground screened. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch with us for more information! We are always looking for volunteers to help seed, plant and when necessary, “pop up” on our survivors and surprise them with their beautiful pots when sponsored by a family member!
We sincerely appreciate every one who has and continues to donate. All proceeds go 100% towards funding our pink pots for our breast cancer sisters as well as counseling, community resources and limited financial assistance.